
Letter to the White House

By Nicholas Scribner
June 2, 2024

June 2, 2024

Dear President Joe Biden:

I need help from WITSEC (the United States Federal Witness Protection Program). I've only contacted the White House once during the Biden administration (aside from applying for a job); and one year later to the day, my first dog and pet, Pugsley, died.

My brother attempted to murder me by strangulation on December 30, 2012, which was also my dad's 54th birthday. Earlier that year, my dad fell onto our pool table on his own and tried to frame me for attempted murder. In the weeks prior to that incident, my dad said on a video recording I took with my smartphone that he was "suicidal, and Carver County doesn't know it."

My parents are poisoning the water in my bathroom, and I am now afraid to take showers.

I applied for a job with L.L.Bean in Maine today, and any help there is much appreciated. But, ultimately, if I ever want to have any semblance of a normal life--and I do want to get married and have kids--I will need to be in WITSEC.

I don't use any substances anymore. As a matter of fact, I have now gone 1.5 years without even caffeine! I live day to day being the most moral and ethical person I can be. Because there were no substances left for me to quit last December, I decided to become a monthly donor of Shriners Hospitals for Children and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Sid Bedingfield, Kate's dad, said I was his first student ever to get 100% of the questions right on one of his multiple-choice exams. He also said in an email that I was "[m]aybe the best student [he's] had." He often told me this sentiment after class, in addition to telling me he thought I was an excellent writer.

My voting history for presidents is as follows: Barack Obama in 2008, Barack Obama in 2012, Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Joe Biden in 2020. I just don't know if I can keep voting for Democrats for president and wonder if I should even vote for president at all.

Please help!


Nicholas Scribner

Article ID: 20